Visa work hard to support small businesses through innovation and enablement. Visa wanted to generate awareness of this involvement by helping to create viable solutions, leading to better experiences and improve day-to-day financial management. Therefore we set up the Visa Design Hack, an event for creative entrepreneurs, fintech influencers and innovators that ran across 3 days in London. We delivered the full end to end experience from setting the strategy, creating a visual direction, recruiting participants, to wrapping the space, co-hosting the event and designing bespoke Visa merchandise.

44 new ideas were proposed, 3 were taken forward by Visa. Developing and implementing these type of solutions, Visa will be able to simplify experiences and improve the future of small businesses, everywhere.

Creative Credits: Pedro Villa Boas, Pedro Eloi and Adam Sharp.

Role: I was the Account lead, client facing representative and ultimately responsible for the event. I worked closely with the Head of Visa Small Business team, strategy and design teams to create a premium event with every last bit of detail unturned. 

“This was the most innovative weekend I have been apart of, since joining Visa”  Helen Jones, Executive Director, Business Solutions.