Young ballers in China have very little access to any kind of formal training, and the overall standard of coaching is low for most. They think structured training is only for the elite and don’t believe their game will improve even if they do train. We set out to prove to these young players that training does yield results by creating the world’s most advanced basketball coaching tool.

We developed the first ever LED Basketball court with a fully connected training ecosystem comprising of an intuitive coaching iPad app, an exemplary tracking system, and a fully reactive digital court. Coaches were able to create training drills, measure and elevate the performance of any basketball player whilst giving real-time feedback by drawing on the court, changing the way the game is experienced and taught.

Creative Credits: John Cross, Xavier Jacob, Carlos Matias & Artisan

Role: I was the day to day client service representative on Nike Basketball, working out of China for 8 months on site at the Nike campus, managing multiple clients and third parties simultaneously, across multi-function teams, forging relationships and being their 'go to'. It required me to be attentive, flexible and strategically focused in order to drive this campaign forward.

Results: The training ecosystem had boundless potential of technology re-evaluated the way the game is coached, redefining the future of basketball. “Every team in the NBA should have one of these courts” Dee Brown, Ex- Denver Nuggets Coach